Where Innovative Ideas Flow



RIVERGROUP expertise includes extensive government knowledge and executive linkage in the executive and legislative branches of the U.S. Federal government, as well as other national governments. Our knowledge-based marketing and government affairs approaches will help businesses:

Our experts have extensive backgrounds working closely with Fortune 500 companies, international government organizations, trade associations, the General Services Administration (GSA), Department of Defense organizations, U.S. Congressional offices and executive branch agencies.

RIVERGROUP helps executives find the best channels and map a definite course to get the right things done to assure results for our select clients.

Principles and Values

We are proud of our corporate principles and values. Our firm gravitates towards working with companies, people and clients with similar corporate cultures. Innovation, creativity and personal respect combined with a true enthusiasm for team achievement, create an atmosphere of trust within our company and our client relationships.

RIVERGROUP is highly committed to results. At the same time, we consistently strive to enhance and protect our client companies by demonstrating the highest ethical conduct, which is paramount. We are proponents of community support, involving personal and corporate contributions of skills and time to organizations benefiting those where we live, work and associate.

Our values stress that success comes through knowledge, and is gained by earning and building customer loyalty with our commitment to uncompromising honesty, integrity and fairness. Loyalty promotes teambuilding, which strengthens our overall ability to help our clients and partners attain a shared vision, corporate goals and objectives critical to quality.